Henry Ascher: Sunday, May 19, CBS 60 Minutes broadcast a report on unaccompanied Afghan children who come to Sweden, where I am interviewed about their experiences and how they feel. The report also depict the poor treatment these children receive, not least in Sweden. The program is seen by 17 million viewers in the United States and according to television crew, these stories have never been reported in the United States. They therefore expect the story will be noticed and lead to more debate. Read more at the link below.
I morgon söndag 19 maj sänder CBS 60 Minutes ett reportage om ensamkommande afghanska barn som kommit till Sverige och där jag intervjuas om deras erfarenheter och hur de mår. Reportaget skildrar också den dåliga behandling dessa barn får inte minst i Sverige. Programmet ses av 17 miljoner tittare i USA och enligt TV-teamet har dessa berättelser aldrig rapporterats i USA. De förväntar sig därför att reportaget kommer att uppmärksammas och leda till en större debatt.
Läs mer på http://www.cbsnews.com/
A Long and Dangerous Journey
Thousands of Afghan boys are fleeing their war-torn country to make it to Europe -- a nearly 10,000-mile journey. As Anderson Cooper reports, it's one of the largest child migrations in modern times and some of them die along the way. Watch Cooper's report on Sunday, May 19 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.