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Hur var läget i Syrien innan demonstrationerna började i mars 2011, och hur började det? Detta har bland andra Pål Steigan, föreningen Syriensolidaritet och Anders Romelsjö skrivit om. Artikeln nedan av Pål Steigan följs av ett utdrag från broschyren ”Vad händer i Syrien?” 2013.
Läs Hans Örhns tal ifrån Föreningen Syriensolidariet möte på Sergels torg Stockholm 1maj.
Peter Neumann argues that Assad has himself to blame: Allowing the Salafists to go to Iraq was thought to be a good idea for two reasons: first, it got rid of thousands of the most aggressive Salafists with a taste for jihad, packing them off to a foreign war from which many would never return to pose a threat to Assad’s secular, minority-dominated government; second, it destabilised the occupation of Iraq and thwarted Bush’s quest to topple authoritarian regimes (everyone in Assad’s inner circle feared that Syria would be next). According to Assad’s biographer David Lesch, ‘Damascus wanted the Bush doctrine to fail, and it hoped that Iraq would be the first and last time it was applied. Anything it could do to ensure this outcome, short of incurring the direct military wrath of the United States, was considered fair game.’
Global Research 2013-08-22 From August 9th to 11th a conference entitled “Nordic Peace Talks” was held in the Swedish city of Degerfors. The event was attended by several organizations and peace activists from Sweden, Norway and Denmark. One of the attending organizations was Justitia Pax Veritas, a non profit organization headquartered in Stockholm, dealing with issues related to the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. During the three-day conference there were a number of lectures related to, among other things, the creeping possibility of a Swedish NATO membership, the current propaganda about the war in Syria, the legitimization of US and NATO military interventions by the doctrine of R2P (Responsibility to Protect). At the meeting of Nordic peace activists one of the speakers was professor Ola Tunander from Peace Research Institute Oslo. During the lecture “After Libya – Syria and the permanent members of the UN Security Council”, Tunander compared the propaganda in Libya and Syria to that of the war in the former Yugoslav republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Jan Hammarlund sjöng den 4 jui och bl.a Syriensolidaritet deltog i manifestationen mot USA-imperialismen. Här återges det tal som hölls av Hans Öhrn. "Det som pågår i Syrien är varken ett folkligt uppror eller ett inbördeskrig, det är ett imperialistiskt angreppskrig"
Lördag den 15 juni kl 14.00 i Liljeholmen, Stockholm arrangerar föreningen Syriensolidaritet en manifestation med musikuppträdande av Uncle Sam
Agneta Norberg, vice ordförande i Sveriges Fredsråd, talade i Jakobsbergs centrum om sin resa till Turkiet nyligen där folk från ett stort antal länder hade samlats för att protestera mot NATO:s krig mot Syrien. 150 personer samlades på Stortorget i Södertälje.