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Nätverket Ofog har tagit fram ett vykort att spridas inför Barack Obamas besök i Stockholm 4-5 september. Vykortsavsändaren anger att man inte vill att Sverige blir medlem i NATO, att svensk trupp skall tas hem från Afghanistan samt att USA måste följa folkrätten. Föreningen Afghanistansolidaritet kommer att sprida vykortet vid den demonstration som planeras av olika organisationer den 4 september med start kl 17 på Medborgarplatsen.
Ultraculture 2013-08-27 Comedian Russell Brand talks about the push for military strikes on Syria and why he doesn’t trust the government
Comedian Russell Brand talks about the push for military strikes on Syria and why he doesn’t trust the government - See more at: http://www.ultraculture.org/watch-russell-brand-talk-sense-about-syria/#sthash.rUg65Fpr.dpufSamling vid Stortorget, Rådhustrappan, Karlskrona, kl 13:00 den 7 september.
FNs vapeninspektörer besköts av krypskyttar när de försökte ta sig in i det område som de skulle undersöka. Den syriska regeringen pekar ut rebellerna som ansvariga för att försöka hindra vapeninspektörerna att komma in det område som påståtts varit utsatt för en gasattack.
Global Research 2013-08-22 From August 9th to 11th a conference entitled “Nordic Peace Talks” was held in the Swedish city of Degerfors. The event was attended by several organizations and peace activists from Sweden, Norway and Denmark. One of the attending organizations was Justitia Pax Veritas, a non profit organization headquartered in Stockholm, dealing with issues related to the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. During the three-day conference there were a number of lectures related to, among other things, the creeping possibility of a Swedish NATO membership, the current propaganda about the war in Syria, the legitimization of US and NATO military interventions by the doctrine of R2P (Responsibility to Protect). At the meeting of Nordic peace activists one of the speakers was professor Ola Tunander from Peace Research Institute Oslo. During the lecture “After Libya – Syria and the permanent members of the UN Security Council”, Tunander compared the propaganda in Libya and Syria to that of the war in the former Yugoslav republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Just outside of Kiruna is NEAT - the North European Aerospace Test range, Europe's largest test range being spread over 24,000 km². This area is regularly used by NATO for military exercises and encompasses the Esrange Space Center which was built in 1964 by ESRO the European Space Research Organisation (which later became the European Space Agency - ESA).
Alla fredsvänner och antiimperialister, slut upp bakom parollerna: Nej till Natomedlemskap! Nej till Natos krig! och Nato ut ur Sverige! Samarbeta med andra på din ort för att stärka proteströrelsen
Tvåhundra år av fredspolitik, neutralitet och alliansfrihet har successivt övergivits. Lördag 7 september, då cirka 40 krigsfartyg ligger för ankar i Karlskrona, ordnas demonstration och protestmöte