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Mediatystnad i väst

Ulf Bjerén 22 februari 2014
السوريون على امتداد ساحات الوطن يقولون كلمتهم - لا للإرهاب ونعم للجيش العربي السوري SyriaChannels3

Massprotester i Syrien mot utländsk inblandning. Denna rörelse omfattar även personer som motsätter sig den syriska regeringen. Den syriska befolkningen stöder inte  "frihetskämpar" rekryterade och utbildade i Saudiarabien, Qatar och Turkiet.

Syrians across the Country Say No to Terrorism and Foreign Interference
Global Research, February 21, 2014
 We invite GR readers to review the video and images below and make up their own mind as to what is happening in Syria.There is a mass movement across the country against foreign interference. This mass movement is not being reported by the Western media.

The Syrian population does not support the “freedom fighters” recruited and trained in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

What is at stake is the sovereignty and survival of a country with a longstanding history. This movement also includes people who are opposed to the Syrian government.

The Syrian people are fully aware that Washington is supporting Al Qaeda. They know that this is a US sponsored insurgency and that the rebels who are killing civilians are mercenaries.

They are fully aware that this is a war of aggression which is intent upon destroying their country.

Let us spread this message far and wide.

Michel Chossudovsky, GR, February 21, 2014

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Ulf Bjerén