Hurrieyet Daily News: Close NATO radar base if you’re sincere on Israel: CHP to PM
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UNRWA condemns Israeli “creation” of footage, tweets falsely claiming Gaza schools used to launch ro
While Israel fakes images to show UN facilities are used by resistance, the damage its bombs do to such facilities is very real
Israels höger hjälper Hamas
"De boende i Gaza är inte oskyldiga, de har valt Hamas". Så skriver Gilad Sharon, son till förre premiärministern Ariel Sharon i en ledarkrönika i inflytelserika israeliska tidning…
Israelisk militär ringde innan det small
Ayman El-Khouli och hans familj väcktes tidigt i morse av att telefonen ringde - det var en israelisk soldat som sa att de hade fem minuter på sig att
"No Place is Safe": After Assault’s Worst Day, Gaza Doctor Says Israel Terrorizing Civilians
Over the past week, Israeli strikes have killed at least 116 Palestinians in Gaza, the majority of them civilians, including 27 children.
Democracy Now! speaks with Dr. Mona El-Farra of the Middle East Children’s Alliance and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society of the Gaza Strip.