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Slaget om Syrien. TV från fronten

JAN FREDRIKSSON 27 september 2012
Battle For Syria: View from the Frontline! (English subtitles) Publicerades den 24 sep 2012 av BitnikGr

En färsk rapport från Syrien av den ryska journalisten Alexander Pushin och Dmitriy Maslennikov. De har med sin kamera följt den syriska armen i några av slagen mot den väpnade oppositionen.

Battle for Syria. View from the Frontline
by grtv

War has been raging in Syria for a year and a half. An endless series of special operations, victories and retreats, a struggle between government forces and an armed opposition that takes place both with weapons on the ground and on the TV screen.

Even seemingly unimportant local battles are being discussed far abroad because the result of this war will impact not only the future of Syria. The situation here is splitting the world in half. This undoubtedly is another internal conflict with global consequences.

Our film crew has spent 2 months on the frontline with the soldiers of Syrian army and civilians trying to answer these hard questions:

Who is the Syrian army fighting?

What is the armed opposition fighting for?

And why are there so many interested parties in this conflict?

This film was made in field conditions to better tell the story of what's happening here.