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Jan Erik Fredriksson 21 juli 2012
Två intressanta artiklar om  Syrien av den Libanonbaserade nättidningen Al av deras chefredaktör Ibrahim al-Amin. "Will Israel Do it?" & "Nasrallah’s Message to Israel
Will Israel Do it?
Israel and its backers have been hinting at possible military intervention in Syria on the pretext of preventing the transfer of its chemical weapons stockpiles to the Lebanese resistance. Such a step would set the region ablaze. Iran and Hezbollah have let it be known to all concerned that they would not stand idly by.
Införd den 16 juli.
Nasrallah’s Message to Israel
There were many reasons that prompted Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah to go public about one of the biggest intelligence ruses Israel ever faced in its wars with the Arabs, which snared it in a trap at the start of its June 2006 assault on Lebanon. The timing of his revelation was intended to make a number of points, and several messages were implicit in his brief recollection of the affair. All relate to the essence of the conflict currently underway in the region.
Införd den 20 juli.
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Jan Erik Fredriksson