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4/4: Somalias framtid

Nils Lundgren 3 april 2012


Abdullahi Daib shows a short video about Somalia during the late President Siad Barre’s leadership. This will serve to give the audience knowledge about what lead the country into the present anarchy it finds itself in. The Conference on Somalia in London in March 2012 shall also be discussed and our lecturer will give us a brief but detailed explanation on the points and actions to be implemented on the ground as soon as possible. Onsdag 4 April, kl 18.00-20.00, Café Pan-Afrika, 

Bohusgatan 25, Tbana Skanstull. Arr: Afrosvenskarna i Stockholm

The Political Situation in Somalia and the Conference in London

Somalia have for decades been ravaged by conflicts that have had a destabilizing effect on all of the horn of Africa. More than once we have discussed both the history and the future of this African nation but the Conference on Somalia in London 2012 gives us yet again reason to go back to the topic of Somalia. Is the conference a much needed breakthrough on the path to peace and stability in the region? Some argue that it is and others are of a different opinion.

Café Pan-Africa is happy to have mr Abdullahi Daib as our lecturer. He will begin by showing a short video about Somalia during the late President Siad Barre’s leadership. This will serve to give the audience knowledge about what lead the country into the present anarchy it finds itself in. The Conference on Somalia in London in March 2012 shall also be discussed and our lecturer will give us a brief but detailed explanation on the points and actions to be implemented on the ground as soon as possible.

The set up and running of the TFG or Transitional Federal Government will be the final part of the lecture. Don’t miss this opportunity to understand more fully the latest development concerning Somalia.

Café Pan-Afrika
 Wednesday 4 April, 18.00-20.00 
Afrosvenskarna i Stockholm 
Bohusgatan 25, Metro: Skanstull

Abdullahi Daib
Former Chairman Somali Peace and Human Rights Network, Chairman Somali Human Defenders, and Vice Chairman Nordicsom

Café Pan-Afrika is open between 17.00-21.00
Organized by Kulturaktiv

In cooperation with Ibn Rushd
For more information go to 
Facebook: Café Pan-Afrika

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