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Nils Lundgren 15 oktober 2012

March 2013 marks a decade since the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. Yet justice for the people of Iraq, victims of the invasion and of the violence that spread all over Iraq, remains an unlikely prospect. To help achieve this overdue obligation, civil society organizations and human rights defenders, with the support of several academic and research institutions, are planning an international conference titled “Geneva Civil Society Summit - Accountability and Justice for Iraq” to be held in Geneva from 14 to 15 March 2013

To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, and to set out actions and measures towards accountability and achieving justice for the Iraqi people. It is well past time for the United Nations and the concerned international agencies to confront the apparent impunity granted to those who have committed crimes against a sovereign, independent, and founding UN Member-State. Given the prolonged suffering, it is important now more than ever to restore justice and hold those responsible accountable.

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