René González, en av de 5, har nu tillåtits resa till Kuba. Han befinner sig i Havanna, tillsammans med sina föräldrar, hustru, döttrar och cancersjuke bror. Pga. de stränga villkoren som gäller för hans tidsbegränsade resa så har den en ren privat karaktär och det finns ingen mediabevakning.
Det faktum att René befinner sig med sin familj på Kuba, är en liten seger för den internationella solidaritetsrörelsens kamp. En kamp som inte kommer att upphöra förrän De Fem är tillbaka på Kuba för gott!
Läs mer: Pressuttalande på engelska från Prensa Latina om Renés ankomst till Havanna.

Vi vill, som ett svar på maningen ”5 days for the Cuban 5 in Washington DC” – utsänd av The International Committee for the freedom of the Cuban 5 – ge vårt fulla stöd till den femdagarsaktion som kommer att organiseras av den Internationella Kommittén i Washington DC under dagarna 17 april till och med 21 april, skriver biskop Eva Brunne, Stockholms stift, Thage G. Peterson, tidigare talesman vid Riksdagen, Eva-Britt Svensson, fd EU parlamentariker, René Vázquez Díaz, författare, Francisco Contreras, ordförande i Latinamerikagrupperna, Mikael Wiehe, sångskrivare, Sven Wollter, skådespelare, Etienne Glaser, skådespelare, regissör, manusförfattare, Siv Widerberg, författare, m.fl.
(Prensa Latina) René González, one of the five anti-terrorist Cuban fighters unfairly given harsh prison sentences in the United States, arrived to Cuba on Friday on a family, private visit in the wake of authorization by a US judge to visit his gravely ill brother.
According to information released by the TV news program, René arrived minutes after midday.
On February 24, Rene had filed through his lawyer an emergency motion before the South Florida District Court, requesting an authorization to visit his brother, seriously ill in Cuba.
Nearly a month later, on March 19, Judge Joan Lenard, who has been handling the case of The Cuban Five since the start of their proceedings, authorized the trip for 15 days under certain conditions, including obtaining all US government travel permits needed. She also set as a prerequisite failing a detailed travel schedule, his location in Cuba and information of contact in the country, as well as a systematic phone contact with his probation officer. The judge also made clear that all conditions of Rene’s supervised release remain unchanged and he has to go back to the United States as soon as the two weeks pass from the date of his trip.
After having suffered 13 years of unfair prison, René is under a supervised release regime for another three years during which he has to remain in the United States, which constitutes an additional sanction.
The decision of authorizing his trip is fully in line with conditions established for his supervised release, which allow him to travel to Cuba after an approval by the probation officer or the judge.
Even the US Government, which has opposed all motions filed by René to be allowed a permanent return to Cuba and his temporary visit to his brother, admitted that conditions of his supervised release do not prevent him from visiting our country.
In this regard, as of March 7, 2011, the Attorney General’s Office argued that the terms of René’s supervised release do not prevent him from travelling to Cuba during that period. “Nothing will prevent him from requesting his probation officer (or the court, if he was denied that by the former) a permit to travel to Cuba to visit his wife, his old parents or other relatives.”
In the motion filed by his lawyer, Rene said he would comply with the terms established for the visit and return to the United States.
Despite the terms imposed, our people, with deep respect, welcomes home our beloved Rene, and do not stop fighting for his final, permanent return home along with his four close brothers, says the press release.
René González, along with his comrades Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando González, was detained in 1998 in the United States for monitoring Miami-based violent groups operating against Cuba.
Tackbrev från Internationella Kommittén i USA, till svenskarna som skrev på stöduttalandet i solidaritet med De Fem Kubanerna.
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five
P.O. Box 22455, Oakland, California 94609, USA
+1 510 219-0092 www.thecuban5.org
info@thecuban5.orgApril 5, 2012
Dear endorsers of the “5 days for the Cuban 5” in Washington DC,
Thank you so much for sending your endorsement for the upcoming activities in Washington DC from April 17 to 21.
As you may know the case of the Cuban 5 have been highly silenced by the corporate media and that is why these of us involved in the struggle to free the Cuban 5 in the United States, need to organize this type of actions to spread the word about the case.
The great number of endorsements from Sweden, including religious personalities, actors, actresses, artists, directors, journalists, singers, musicians, Members of Parliament, and many others, give a tremendous strength to the 5 days for the Cuban 5 in Washington DC.
We know that counting with friends like you, Gerardo, Ramon, Antonio, Fernando and Rene will soon be able to return to their loved ones in Cuba.
Thanks again for all your support,
In solidarity,
Alicia Jrapko
US coordinator
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5
Advisory Board
Dolores Huerta
President of Dolores Huerta Foundation
Bill Martinez
Bill Martinez & Associates
Father Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann
President of the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly
Noam Chomsky
Linguist, Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gayle McLaughlin
Mayor of Richmond, CA
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
Former Bishop-Detroit
Wayne Smith
Center for Int’l Policy-Former Chief of the US Interests Section in Havana
Yeidckol Polevnsky
Senator of Republic of
Melvin MacKay
Former President
ILWU Local 10
Gilbert Brownstone
Brownstone Foundation
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Nobel Peace Prize
Joe Perez
Joe Perez & Associates
Arci Torres and
Esteban Torres
Former US Congressman
Ladda upp pdf-fil längst ner.
Vi stöder Washington-aktionen ”5 dagar för de 5 kubanerna”!
Vi vill, som ett svar på maningen ”5 days for the Cuban 5 in Washington DC” – utsänd av The International Committee for the freedom of the Cuban 5 – ge vårt fulla stöd till den femdagarsaktion som kommer att organiseras av den Internationella Kommittén i Washington DC under dagarna 17 april till och med 21 april.
Vi stöder kravet på omedelbar frigivning av Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González och Ramón Labañino. De fem kubanernas uppdrag i Miami var ett fredligt uppdrag. De försökte bidra till att få ett slut på sabotage och angrepp mot Kuba, utförda av terroristgrupper baserade i USA.
Vi kräver att stopp på de systematiska trakasserierna vad gäller anhörigas möjligheter att besöka de fem kubanerna. Gerardo Hernández och hans hustru Adriana Pérez har inte getts möjlighet att träffa varandra under nära 15 år, på grund av att USA-myndigheterna förvägrat Adriana Pérez inresevisum, och därmed möjlighet att besöka sin man i fängelset. Samma sak har drabbat René González och hans hustru Olga Salanueva. Trots att René González nyligen släppts ur fängelset, måste han nu vistas i tre år under övervakning i Miami. Hans hustru tillåts fortfarande inte att besöka honom. Olga Salanueva förvägras fortfarande visum.
Ytterligare ett krav vill vi framföra – och här handlar det om ett mycket brådskande ärende - att USA myndigheter tillmötesgår en av René González inlämnad begäran om tillstånd att omedelbart få resa till Kuba för att besöka sin bror, Roberto González, som är mycket svårt sjuk.
Biskop Eva Brunne, Stockholms stift
Thage G. Peterson, tidigare talman vid Riksdagen, tidigare medlem i svenska regeringen (Justitieminister, Försvarsminister) (Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti)
Eva-Britt Svensson, fd EU parlamentariker (Vänsterpartiet)
René Vázquez Díaz, författare
Francisco Contreras, ordförande i Latinamerikagrupperna
Mikael Wiehe, sångskrivare
Sven Wollter, skådespelare
Etienne Glaser, skådespelare, regissör, manusförfattare
Siv Widerberg, författare
Ric Wasserman, journalist
Inger Fredriksson
Christer Themptander, konstnär
Maria Sandblad, journalist, författare
Nils Lundgren, journalist, filmare
Björn Kumm, journalist
Eva Björklund, arkitekt
Ulf Hultberg, filmregissör
Karin Lentz, författare
Monica Zak, författare, journalist
Lena Granhagen, skådespelerska, sångerska
Jan Hammarlund, sångare, viskompositär, musiker
Amineh Kakabaveh, riksdagsledamot (Vänsterpartiet)
Jens Holm, riksdagsledamot (Vänsterpartiet)
Marianne Berg, riksdagsledamot (Vänsterpartiet)
Bengt Berg, riksdagsledamot (Vänsterpartiet)
Du som inte kan spanska men ändå vill följa vad som händer och debatteras på Kuba, kan göra det på en.cubadebate.cu
Cubadebate opens its new Web page in English Mar 22nd, 2011 14
With versions of Fidel Castro's Reflections, El Paso Diary of José Pertierra, exclusive materials from Cuba's Reasons series and news articles about various national and international themes, Cubadebate opens today its Web page in English that you can find
at: http://en.cubadebate.cu
Of course, it will be always updated with information about the Cuban Five that are in jail in the United States, and the world wide solidarity for the freedom of these fighters against terrorism, that already have more than 12 years in prison after a judgment marred of irregularities and injustices in Miami.
This is the first of a series of blogs in many languages, at least 8, which we will publish in the next days, as beginning of the
redesign of our Web site, public on the Internet since august 5th, 2003.
Although it is not a mimetic mirror of the Web site in Spanish, the English version of Cubadebate reproduces some of our most popular sections and the services for the Web 2.0, with its own channels on Facebook and Twitter, also it will keep opened its pages for the visitor's opinions.
Fidel's Reflections http://en.cubadebate.cu/category/reflections-fidel/
El Paso Diary http://en.cubadebate.cu/category/series/el-paso-diary/
Cuba's Reasons http://en.cubadebate.cu/category/series/cubas-reason/
The Cuban Five http://en.cubadebate.cu/category/series/cuban-five/
Also the Twitter