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Möt Hala Fariz, den palestinska ambassadören i Sverige.

Nils Lundgren 17 december 2011
Palestinas ansökan om medlemskap som stat i FN. Nils Lundgren +46 73-0398823

Ett samtal om det palestinska folkets efterlängtade önskan om ett erkännande i FN för att bli världens 194 medlemsstat, och om Sveriges betydelse för palestinierna.

Moderator: Jan-Erik Romson. Start efter cirka 1 minut.

En dokumentation av

Möte med Hala Fariz, den palestinska ambassadören i Sverige.

Palestinas ansökan om medlemskap som stat i FN.
I slutet av september presenterade den palestinske presidenten Mahmoud Abbas det palestinska folkets efterlängtade önskan om ett erkännande i FN för att bli världens 194 medlemsstat.
I  sitt tal citerade Mahmoud Abbas den palestinske poeten Mahmoud Darwish.

"Vi står här, vi stannar här,
Vi är här permanent, vi är här för evigt,
och vi har ett mål, ett mål, ett mål.
Att vara och vi skall vara."

Ett samtal om vad ett medlemskap i FN betyder för palestinierna.
I Gaza, på Västbanken, och för alla som flytt utomlands.
Om PLO, palestinska myndigheten och de olika partierna: al - Fatah, Hamas, PFLP, DFLP och demokratiskt initiativ.
Vem företräder Hala Fariz, den palestinska ambassadören i Sverige?

Om Palestina får medlemskap som stat i FN, vilka konkreta steg kommer då att tas för samarbete mellan Israel och Palestina?
Hur ser Hala Fariz på de konkreta samarbetsprojekt som redan finns mellan israeler och palestinier? Exvis förskolor och skolor.
Vilka  konkreta samarbetsprojekt finns mellan israeler och palestinier?
Vilka  konkreta samarbetsprojekt borde finnas mellan israeler och palestinier?
Dela på vatten och ledningar, spårvägar och bilvägar?

Hur ska Gaza och Västbanken förenas? En korridor mellan Västbanken och Gaza?

Kan FNs erkännande av Palestina som stat vara ett steg för en två statslösning, som på sikt kan leda till en stat för israeler och palestinier?

Arrangörer: ABFs studiecirkel om Goldstonerapporten och Palestinagruppen Stockholm.
Offentligt möte lördag den 12 nov kl 12.00 - 16.00, 2011.
ABF, Sveavägen, Stockholm.


Stöd palestiniernas rätt till en egen stat

Under september pågår en process där palestinierna formellt skall begära medlemskap i FN och erkännande av en palestinsk stat inom 1967 års gränser. 124 länder har redan uttalat sitt stöd för ett erkännande av Palestina och över en miljon människor har skrivit på ett upprop med uppmaning till EU:s medlemstater att också erkänna den palestinska staten. Men tyvärr har USA ännu inte anslutit sig till dem och EU-länderna står splittrade i frågan.

Palestinagrupperna i Sverige påminner den svenska regeringen om dess egen målsättning som är att "Palestina ska bli en oberoende, livskraftig och demokratisk stat." Vi uppmanar därmed regeringen att ta initiativ till att också formellt erkänna en palestinsk stat och att driva på för att hela EU ska göra det.

Under 20 år har fredsförhandlingarna avlöst varandra. En strategi som totalt misslyckats och förhandlingarna har istället gjort att Israels ockupation har kunnat fortsätta och förtrycket förvärras. Samtidigt har de israeliska bosättningarna på palestinsk mark oavbrutet expanderat till vad som idag är närmare 150 kolonier där ungefär en halv miljon israeler bor.

Genom att nu erkänna en palestinsk stat tar omvärlden sitt ansvar för palestiniernas rättigheter och sätter press på Israel att upphöra med ockupationen och följa internationell rätt.

Precis som Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), den största representanten för det palestinska civila samhället, vill Palestinagrupperna understryka att erkännandet av en palestinsk stat måste innefatta flera viktiga krav på Israel. Strävan efter palestiniernas rättigheter måste intensifieras efter september, det är en förutsättning för att erkännandet av en stat ska resultera i mer än ord.

Förutsättningarna för ett verkligt palestinskt självbestämmande måste vara att ockupationen och koloniseringen av palestinsk mark upphör, att diskrimineringen av palestinier som är israeliska medborgare avskaffas och att palestinska flyktingars rätt att återvända respekteras i enlighet med FN:s resolution 194. Vi menar också att det är viktigt att det blir PLO, Palestine Liberation Organization, som representerar palestinierna i FN och i andra internationella forum, eftersom PLO även företräder de palestinska flyktingarna runt om i världen.

Palestinagrupperna vill också betona vikten av att de länder som erkänner en palestinsk stat inte fortsätter att belöna och underlätta för ockupationen genom förmånliga samarbetsavtal med Israel. Vi upprepar vårt stöd till det palestinska civila samhällets uppmaning om bojkott, desinvestering och sanktioner mot den israeliska staten så länge ockupationen, förtrycket och diskrimineringen fortgår/tills dess att Israel till fullo respekterar palestiniernas rättigheter.


Meeting with Hala Fariz, the Palestinian ambassador in Sweden.

Palestine's application for membership as a state in the UN.
In late September, the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian people's long-awaited desire for recognition in the UN to become the world's 194 Member States.
In his speech, quoted Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish.

"We stand here, we stay here,
We are here permanently, we are here forever,
and we have a goal, a goal, a goal.
To be and we should be. "

A conversation about what membership in the UN does for the Palestinians.
In Gaza, the West Bank, and to all who have fled abroad.
About the PLO, Palestinian Authority and the various parties: Al - Fatah, Hamas, PFLP, DFLP and democratic initiatives.
Who represents Hala Fariz, the Palestinian ambassador in Sweden?

If Palestine can join as a state in the UN, what concrete steps will be taken for cooperation between Israel and Palestine?
What is the opinion of Hala Fariz on the concrete projects of cooperation already exists between Israelis and Palestinians? For example kindergartens and schools.
What specific cooperation projects is there between Israelis and Palestinians?
What specific cooperation should exist between Israelis and Palestinians?
Share on water lines, tramways and roads?

How will the Gaza Strip and West Bank reconciled? A corridor between the West Bank and Gaza?

Can the UN's recognition of Palestine as a state to be a step towards a two state solution, which could ultimately lead to one state for Israelis and Palestinians?

Meeting arranged by ABFs study group on Goldstone report and the Palestinian group Stockholm.
Public meeting Saturday, November 12th at 12:00 to 16:00, 2011.
ABF, Sveavägen, Stockholm


United Nations A/66/371–S/2011/592
General Assembly
Security Council
Distr.: General
23 September 2011
Original: English
11-51258 (E) 230911
General Assembly Security Council
Sixty-sixth session Sixty-sixth year
Agenda item 116
Admission of new Members to the United Nations
Application of Palestine for admission to membership in the
United Nations
Note by the Secretary-General
In accordance with rule 135 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly
and rule 59 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the
Secretary-General has the honour to circulate herewith the attached application of
Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations, contained in a letter
received on 23 September 2011 from its President (see annex I). He also has the
honour to circulate a further letter, dated 23 September 2011, received from him at
the same time (see annex II).

2 11-51258
Annex I
Letter received on 23 September 2011 from the President of
Palestine to the Secretary-General
Application of the State of Palestine for admission to membership
in the United Nations
I have the profound honour, on behalf of the Palestinian people, to submit this
application of the State of Palestine for admission to membership in the United
This application for membership is being submitted based on the Palestinian
people’s natural, legal and historic rights and based on United Nations General
Assembly resolution 181 (II) of 29 November 1947 as well as the Declaration of
Independence of the State of Palestine of 15 November 1988 and the
acknowledgement by the General Assembly of this Declaration in resolution 43/177
of 15 December 1988.
In this connection, the State of Palestine affirms its commitment to the
achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict based on the vision of two-States living side by side in peace
and security, as endorsed by the United Nations Security Council and General
Assembly and the international community as a whole and based on international
law and all relevant United Nations resolutions.
For the purpose of this application for admission, a declaration made pursuant
to rule 58 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council and rule 134
of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly is appended to this letter (see
I should be grateful if you would transmit this letter of application and the
declaration to the Presidents of the Security Council and the General Assembly as
soon as possible.
(Signed) Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Palestine Liberation Organization
11-51258 3
In connection with the application of the State of Palestine for admission to
membership in the United Nations, I have the honour, in my capacity as the
President of the State of Palestine and as the Chairman of the Executive Committee
of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the
Palestinian people, to solemnly declare that the State of Palestine is a peace-loving
nation and that it accepts the obligations contained in the Charter of the United
Nations and solemnly undertakes to fulfill them.
(Signed) Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Palestine Liberation Organization
4 11-51258
Annex II
Letter dated 23 September 2011 from the President of Palestine to
the Secretary-General
After decades of displacement, dispossession and the foreign military
occupation of my people and with the successful culmination of our State-building
program, which has been endorsed by the international community, including the
Quartet of the Middle East Peace Process, it is with great pride and honour that I
have submitted to you an application for the admission of the State of Palestine to
full membership in the United Nations.
On 15 November 1988, the Palestine National Council (PNC) declared the
Statehood of Palestine in exercise of the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to
self-determination. The Declaration of Independence of the State of Palestine was
acknowledged by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 43/177 of
15 December 1988. The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and
independence and the vision of a two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict have been firmly established by General Assembly in numerous resolutions,
including, inter alia, resolutions 181 (II) (1947), 3236 (XXIX) (1974), 2649 (XXV)
(1970), 2672 (XXV) (1970), 65/16 (2010) and 65/202 (2010) as well as by United
Nations Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and 1397 (2002) and
by the International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion of 9 July 2004 (on the Legal
Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory).
Furthermore, the vast majority of the international community has stood in support
of our inalienable rights as a people, including to statehood, by according bilateral
recognition to the State of Palestine on the basis of the 4 June 1967 borders, with
East Jerusalem as its capital, and the number of such recognitions continues to rise
with each passing day.
Palestine’s application for membership is made consistent with the rights of
the Palestine refugees in accordance with international law and the relevant United
Nations resolutions, including General Assembly resolution 194 (III) (1948), and
with the status of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate
representative of the Palestinian people.
The Palestinian leadership reaffirms the historic commitment of the Palestine
Liberation Organization of 9 September 1993. Further, the Palestinian leadership
stands committed to resume negotiations on all final status issues — Jerusalem, the
Palestine refugees, settlements, borders, security and water — on the basis of the
internationally endorsed terms of reference, including the relevant United Nations
resolutions, the Madrid principles, including the principle of land for peace, the
Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap, which specifically requires a freeze
of all Israeli settlement activities.
At this juncture, we appeal to the United Nations to recall the instructions
contained in General Assembly resolution 181 (II) (1947) and that “sympathetic
consideration” be given to application of the State of Palestine for admission to the
United Nations.
Accordingly, I have had the honour to present to Your Excellency the
application of the State of Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations as
well as a declaration made pursuant to rule 58 of the provisional rules of procedure
11-51258 5
of the Security Council and rule 134 of the rules of procedure of the General
Assembly. I respectfully request that this letter be conveyed to the Security Council
and the General Assembly without delay.
(Signed) Mahmoud Abbas
President of the State of Palestine
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Palestine Liberation Organization

NRK Play. Ny uppföljning av tidigare film om Ship to Gaza.

Brennpunkt: Operasjon Sjøbris

Ni mennesker ble drept og over 50 såret da den israelske marinen stanset en konvoi med nødhjelp og aktivister på vei til Gaza. Den israelske aksjonen hadde kodenavn "Operasjon sjøbris". Brennpunkt fulgte flere av de involverte i Norge, Irland, Gaza, Israel og Tyrkia. Blant andre nordmannen Espen Goffeng, som havnet midt i blodbadet og rapporterte til Brennpunkt.