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FARC garanteras rättigheter i Colombia

Nils Lundgren 6 november 2013
Dialog om fred i Havanna
Dialog om fred i Havanna

Regeringen i Colombia och landets största gerillagrupp FARC har nått en överenskommelse om politiskt deltagande, det andra området på fredsagendan. Avtalet innefattar säkerställande av FARC: s rättigheter och garanterar dess deltagande i den politiska processen, och deras tillträde till massmedia.  JOINT COMMUNIQUE # 27 Yezid Arteta kommenterar genombrottet.

Genombrottet har gjorts vid fredssamtalen som hålls i Kubas huvudstad Havanna. Frågan om Farcs framtid har varit en av de springande punkterna i de utdragna förhandlingarna. Men det är ett måste att avvakta ett defintivt resultat av den 2:a av 6 punkter innan det totala fredsavtalet skrivs under. Men avgörande är inte "stämningen i Havanna" utan styrkeförhållandena mellan den folkliga massrörelsen bland bönder, arbetare, studenter m.m. och den stat som fört krig mot sin egen befolkningen sedan spanjorerna besegrad av Simon Bolivar och hans trupper.
Ett år har gått sedan fredssamtalen startade i Oslo och Havanna. Året har kännetecknats av parternas första uppgörelse kring landsbygdens utveckling och av omfattande sociala mobiliseringar från såväl bönder och ursprungsfolk som studenter och människorättsorganisationer. Trots att civilsamhället utestängts från samtalen mellan regeringen och gerillan, deltar det i den offentliga debatten med krav och förslag för att nå en hållbar fred.

Yezid Arteta, forskare vid Escuela de Paz de Barcelona och före detta FARC-kommandant, säger i en kommentar:

”Den överenskommelse om FARC:s politiska deltagande som nåddes mellan Santos-regeringen och FARC-gerillan den 6 november kom vid en mycket läglig tidpunkt och lindrar de spänningar som finns kring fredsprocessen och den kommande valkampanjen i Colombia. Detta skickar en stark signal mot de kritiker som använder ett senarelagt förhandlingsavslut för att ge föda till sin argumentation mot fredsprocessen och som dessvärre fått fäste i Colombiansk massmedia.

Den överenskommelse som träffats lämnar också ett mycket viktigt budskap till det internationella samfundet eftersom det visar att FARC-gerillan är intresserade av att bli ett lagligt politiskt projekt och att detta beslut fattats av dess ledning.

Överenskommelsen belyser en rad brister som finns inom den Colombianska lagstiftningen för partier och valgarantier. Det är en genomtänkt politisk överenskommelse som tar hänsyn till internationella regelverk för demokratiskt deltagande och som kan leda till positiva förändringar i landet och de politiska institutionerna i det fallet man lyckas tillämpa den."


Yezid Arteta, forskare vid Escuela de Paz de Barcelona och tidigare gerillamedlem är på besök i Sverige. Han tillhörde gerillan under ett decennium och han har ett förflutet från det kommunistiska ungdomsförbundet. Yezid Arteta är en före detta FARC-kommandant, under alla sina år i gerillan arbetade han nära FARC:s ledning. En organisation som är väldigt vertikal i sin struktur. Arteta släpptes efter drygt tio år i fängelse  år 2006. Han begav sig omedelbart till Spanien på grund att de rådande omständigheter i Colombia. Det var under Alvaro Uribes regering (2002-2010), som landet upplevde en oroande upptrappning av konflikten i landet.



Havana, November 6, 2013

The Delegations of the government and the FARC-EP report that:

We have reached a basic agreement on the second item of the agenda contained in the "General Agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction a stable and lasting peace", called Political Participation.

In the next round of talks, we will present the second joint periodic report of the Table.

According to the Agenda, we have reached consensus on the following topics:

1. Rights and guarantees for the exercise of political opposition in general and in particular for new movements that might arise after the signing of the Final Agreement. Access to media.
2. Democratic mechanisms of citizen participation, including direct involvement on different levels and different subjects.
3. Effective measures to promote greater participation in national, regional and local politics of all sectors, including the most vulnerable population, in equal conditions and with security guarantees.

What we have agreed, in its implementation, deepens and strengthens our democracy, expanding the rights and guarantees for the exercise of the opposition, as well as spaces for political and citizen participation. It promotes pluralism and political inclusion, participation and transparency in the electoral processes and the strengthening of a democratic political culture.

It is a democratic opening within the framework of the conflict. Building peace requires citizen participation in public affairs, especially in the areas most affected by violence and also the mechanisms of implementation of this Agreement.

The exercise of political opposition is vital to the construction of a broad democracy. It becomes more important after the signing of a Final Agreement, that will open space to the emergence of new political movements that require guarantees for the exercise of politics.

It states that a national event will be convened for spokespersons of political parties and movements to integrate a Commission to define the guidelines of a status of guarantees for parties that declare themselves in opposition. The timeline will be agreed when we arrive to the sixth item of the Agenda.

It was agreed that this Commission, through a forum, will facilitate the participation of spokespersons of social organizations and movements, experts and scholars to make their proposals on the Status of the Opposition. And according to these guidelines, the corresponding regulations will be drawn.

Legislation guarantees, democratic citizen participation and other activities of social organizations will be promoted, based on the guidelines established in this agreement and listening to the proposals of the spokesmen of social movements in another event of national scope. In this regard, the text says that social organizations and movements, including those arising from the signing of this Agreement, are called to exercise the rights and fulfill the duties of citizen participation. It seeks to empower citizens through participation.

In the scenario of the end of the conflict, the agreement includes a set of guarantees to channel citizen demands, including guarantees for mobilization, protest and peaceful coexistence within a context of expanded democracy.

Additional spaces will be opened so that political forces, social movements and organizations and communities in general, especially those working on peace-building, can make their proposals and projects known in institutional and regional means. Besides, we agreed to give special strength to the communitarian media to promote citizen participation.

We also agreed to establish measures to guarantee and promote a culture of reconciliation, coexistence, tolerance and non-stigmatization, which means respectful language and behavior for the ideas of both political opponents as well as social and human rights organizations.

To this end, the establishment of Councils for Reconciliation and Coexistence is planned, on national and territorial level, in order to advise and assist the authorities in implementing the agreement.

It was agreed to establish a plan to support the promotion of citizen oversight and transparency observatories, with special emphasis on the implementation of this Agreement. Greater control by the citizens of the administration and governance contributes to transparency and the fight against corruption.

We agreed on a comprehensive review of the participatory planning system to ensure the effectiveness of citizen participation in the construction and monitoring of the development plans, which will be an essential tool in the process of peace building. For the same reason, we agreed a series of measures to strengthen territorial planning councils and, again, guarantee the impact of citizen participation.

In the sub point promotion of political pluralism, it was agreed that in the context of the end of the conflict and with the aim of consolidating peace, institutional changes will be made to facilitate the establishment of political parties and the transit of social organizations and movements with political ambitions to political parties or movements.

In the case of new movements, some special conditions will be agreed, in a transitional phase, to give special support to new political movements and parties and thereby guarantee the necessary political pluralism in the construction of peace.

Measures have been agreed, within the framework of strengthening democracy and political pluralism, to guarantee transparency in the electoral process, especially in the areas of greatest risk of fraud and promoting electoral participation of citizens, especially those living in areas of difficult access.

Additionally, after the signing of the Final Agreement, a mission of experts will be launched, to make a comprehensive review of the organization and the electoral system and, on the basis of the best national and international experiences, make recommendations for the corresponding policy and institutional adjustments.

We agreed to create Special Temporary Peace Constituencies to promote territorial integration and political inclusion of areas particularly affected by the conflict and neglect, so that during a transitional period that population will have a special representation of their interests in the House of Representatives, notwithstanding their participation in regular elections.These transitional constituencies would be added to the existing ordinary constituencies. They would count with guarantees of accompaniment, to ensure transparency of the electoral process and freedom of vote for the electors. This will be launched as part of the end of the conflict, in democracy and after the signing of the Final Agreement.

We've agreed on a comprehensive security system for the exercise of politics. This system is conceived within a framework of guarantees of rights, duties and freedoms and seeks to ensure the protection of those who practice politics based on respect for life and freedom of thought and opinion, in order to strengthen and deepen democracy and help create a climate of coexistence and tolerance, and especially for the new movement arising from the FARC-EP's transition to legal political activity.

The particular conditions for the new movement arising from the transit FARC-EP to legal political activity will be discussed in item 3 of the Agenda.

The signing and implementation of the Final Agreement will contribute to the expansion and deepening of democracy, for it involves the abandonment of weapons and the banning of violence as a method of political action for all Colombians, to move to a scenario in which democracy reigns, with full guarantees for those involved in politics, and, in this way, open up new spaces for participation.

Finally it was agreed that everything regarding the item of political participation including its implementation will be carried out taking into account a gender perspective and guaranteeing the participation of women.

The agreed elements so far are part of a broader agreement that we expect to reach soon, which contains six points. From the next round of conversations, we will start the discussion of the fourth item on the Agenda (third one to be discussed) called "Solution to the Problem of Illicit Drugs"

We recall that one of the principles that guide these discussions is that "Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed". This means that the agreements we have been building, are conditional, until we reach an agreement on all items of the Agenda and, besides, that as progress is made ​​in the discussion, each of the agreements made on the sub points can be adjusted and supplemented.

On the other hand, the delegations arranged an office in the building where the Table of Conversations meets, to put the different objects and materials sent by the victims of the conflict through the Peace Commissions of the Congress of the Republic. With this, they want to show their respect to all victims of the conflict without distinction, issue that must be addressed in the fifth point of the Agenda of the conversations.

We highlight the contribution of the United Nations Office in Colombia and the Center Ideas For Peace of the National University, in organizing forums that have been held on the issues of political participation and illicit crops. We also incorporated the contributions of regional roundtables organized by the Peace Commissions of the Senate and House of Representatives of Colombia.

We express our gratitude to the thousands of Colombians and social organizations that have sent us their proposals and views on the items of the agenda through the forums, the Website or the forms that are available in mayor and governors' offices. Each and every one of these proposals have been received by the delegations in Havana.

We want to specially thank Cuba and Norway, guarantors of this process, for their support and for the environment of trust they provide. In the same way, we would like to thank Chile and Venezuela, accompanying countries, who are regularly being reported on the progress of the talks by the delegations.

These four countries are a group of friendly nations of the process, which we particularly appreciate, as well as we would like to thank the expressions of support from other nations, international organizations and leaders, who strengthen the confidence in the road we are traveling on.

These fundamental agreements are the result of intensive work carried out by both Delegations, always thinking of the desire for peace of Colombian people.

Last modified on Wednesday, 06 November 2013 20:45


Press Conference FARC-EP 6 NovemberPress Conference FARC-EP 6 November peace delegation FARC-EP

"I don't know anything more healthy, that returning to the people
primitive sovereignty to allow it to remake their social contract ... This is more than just
and eminently popular, and therefore, very typical of an eminently democratic republic"

The important aspects that so far have been agreed on the issue of political participation, place the Colombians in a position to begin to open the doors of a true democracy.

All initiatives submitted by the FARC at the Havana talks, which we called 100 minimum proposals for real democratization, peace with social justice and national reconciliation, have been inspired by the demands and proposals by social and political organizations of the country, they arose from the respective thematic forums, and the strength of our word has been present in the courageous mobilization of a people who, without fear of repression and criminalization, has raised their flags to demand structural changes that are required to the foundation of peace.

Colombia is experiencing a spring of dreams of justice: above all the most humble, the dispossessed have taken to the streets to tell the rulers they cannot keep ignoring them; that the fate of the country depends on the participation of all citizens and not a privileged few oligarchs who have taken it in their hands to loot it and sell it favoring the multinational corporations. People want to decide and this is the core of real participation.

That is what we discussed during the last six rounds of talks, and then the first thing to be resolved is the need, in our country, for the respect of the right to life, to difference, to political choice, to non-stigmatization, and for ideas to be discussed without fear of being killed, persecuted, disappeared or criminalized, that is what happens when you act under the rule of foreign doctrines who see in the citizen an enemy within.

This is our cry, this is our demand, and therefore, as part of this important event, we express our total condemnation of the assassination on November 2 of Cesar Garcia, leader of the gold mining resistance to the gold exploitation by the Anglo Gold Ashanti, in La Colosa (Tolima), after a forceful decision by plebiscite where the communities of the region have said NO to the mega mining and presence of multinationals that destroy water sources and possibilities of life. Justice doesn't do anything, and the mainstream press which often revels reporting on frivolities, does not give a case as serious as this the visibility which it deserves. Then, of which democracy are we talking about?

The military treatment which has so far been given to the mobilization of outraged protesters cannot continue, because the government and all layers of power are owed to the people and it is the people who should be listened to; a concept of security should have at its core the interests of human being, even above the often petty interests of the States, and should be based on principles of sovereignty, non-intervention and free determination of the peoples according to the development and welfare of the majority.

It is in this context and within this framework that we have reached the first but very important approaches and agreements relating to the second item on the agenda of the general agreement of Havana: the commitment to convene without delay the parties and spokesmen of social organizations calling them to develop guidelines to finally have a statute for political opposition, is perhaps one of the most important achievements, and on the other hand, they should create in democratic national events, the foundations for the emergence of standardization that gives true recognition, guarantees, to the existence and rights of the social movement.

Much has been said of the need to reform the restrictive law on citizen participation mechanisms (Act 134 of 1994) and also on the urgency to rethink draconian security laws for which we believe it is time to begin drawing new routes, if indeed the commitments established when we begun discussing the guarantees for mobilization and protest are to be attended. We have agreed, for example, that being these activities a form of political action, they are a legitimate exercise of the right to assembly, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, freedom of conscience and the opposition, in a democracy; that all of these enrich the practice of political inclusion and that the government should ensure the spaces to channel citizen demands, without abuses. Thus, in order to ensure the full realization of these rights, we have come to the commitment to define the review, and if necessary, to change all the rules that apply to mobilization and social protest. This, added to the commitment to expand and strengthen citizen participation bodies for dialogue and building work schedules at all levels to enable early response to the requests and proposals of citizens.

These issues, and many others, distributed in twenty pages, are those that give us optimism for further progress in the discussions towards the signing of peace and termination of the conflict. However there is still a long way to go, and it is only with the feet and the determination of the people in the streets, of the sovereign proposing and deciding, that it would be possible to expand democracy as a prerequisite to reconciliation, and to turn, what so far are only aspirations and commitments, into reality .

We reiterate now, and will continue to do so, that this is not a process of subjugation, but, surely, if indeed we move along the path of the transformations that national majorities have claimed, the signing of a peace treaty will be a reality.

In this plan an essential issue of confrontation is contained and that is to make clear its origins and responsibilities. So we insist that consensual integration of the commission of truth and historical responsibility of the conflict is needed, especially if we have the urgency to address an issue as sensitive as the victims, so often used grotesquely by media manipulation to stigmatize and demonize the insurgency.

For us who keep in the depths of our hearts the pain of the death of thousands of members of the Patriotic Union, of countless children of the people killed under the chainsaw of paramilitarism and decades of institutional repression, or more directly we are loaded with the mourning for the hundreds of guerrillas, militias and revolutionary fighters who have fallen in the struggle to build a better Colombia, our identity with the victims of the confrontation is indisputable, and for that we will rise and continue to rise our voice at the talks in Havana. It is false, that, as some politicians in power, seeking to take advantage of the pain of those suffering from war say, the guerrillas refuse to receive the families of the victims of the conflict. We open our arms to them, and anyone who wants to contribute to the building of peace, and it in this spirit that we insist vehemently on the need to integrate the commission we have so often proposed.

The conquest of peace depends a lot on these approaches, but, beside the progress of the talks, there are other issues without solution of which progress is slow: The success of peace depends on the elimination of corruption, an end to the interference of the mafias that one way or another have captured the state, in all its bodies: executive, legislative and judicial. How about the example of government contracting? How about the charges to the comptroller? And the attorney?
We must curb white collar crime of a financial sector that sells sovereignty, destroys the country giving free rein to the depredation of natural resources and the usurious looting of the pockets of all Colombians. But secondly, and perhaps more urgent because it largely depends on impunity which continue to reign, we must put hand with a lot of determination to the entire judiciary.

A corrupt justice born out of a regime corrupt and culpable for so many years of confrontation, has neither the competence nor the capacity, nor the historical conditions necessary to act. Today, after so many multiple scandals, justice is left with no moral authority to play a defining role in the new Colombia. It has to be rebuilt completely. How can the government believe that it is possible submitting to a transitional justice when the same government says that the justice is corrupt and that a  total reform of the judicial branch is required?

Among the responsibilities of the state is that of justice be left to rot, for the widespread corruption that was born years ago in the executive (contracts and commissions in all areas), and spread to justice through that revolving door (where the same people exit from the same door, and the same enter to do the same), and the same in the Congress. The Congressmen investigated and in prison always represented the parties and the regime.

But well, as today we are in a kind of balance that is citizen participation regarding peace, this implies talking of democracy, which requires that we do not lose sight of the fact that the fate of this can not be in the hands of three or four gentlemen owners of media and advertising. There may be all sorts of mechanisms for participation if we want to show the country as a democracy of paper, but the information is what leads to these mechanisms ending up being channels of expression of thoughts previously cooked and sold by these three or four individuals, who are always those in power.

The supposed democracy we have today can not keep being part of a privileged class, as it was a farm, or livestock, because democracy is measured by the result of popular expression and participation and this popular expression is mostly tied and manipulated by those who hold and control the media.

Without democracy in the ownership of the media, all that is done in many fields of interest or for the peace treaty itself, could remain in a limbo, because through media matrices today fictitious favorable environments or dissatisfaction with the process are generated. Hopefully we could count with all those who feel truly Colombian, to bet on reconciliation and not on the continuation of the war.

Thanks to Cuba and Norway, guarantors countries, and to Venezuela and Chile as accompanying countries for the protection through their presence and good offices, of the running smoothly of the process. And thanks to our compatriots who have put faith and enthusiasm on the possibility of building a Colombia that provides opportunities for all.

Uppgörelse om Farc i Colombia

Colombia: The government and the country's main guerrilla group the FARC reach an agreement on political participation, the second area on the peace agenda. The agreement includes safeguarding the FARC's rights and guarantees to take part in the political process, and their access to mass media.

Gobierno y Farc anuncian acuerdo sobre participación política


 Kafé Colombia

”Vägen till en hållbar fred i Colombia”

 Välkomna på seminariet den 6 november kl 18.00:

 Utmaningar i fredsförhandlingar och hinder för en hållbar fred i Colombia

 Inbjuden talare: Yezid Arteta Fd gerillamedlem som idag arbetar som forskare vid  Escuela de Paz de Barcelona

Plats: Solidaritetshuset – Tegelviksgatan 40. Hitta dit>>

Språk: Spanska/Svenska

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