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Mahmoud Sarsak är fri

Nils Lundgren 11 juli 2012

Mahmoud Sarsak, den palestinske fotbollsspelare som fängslades olagligt av Israel i 3 år, frigavs idag efter en 94 dagar lång hungerstrejk. Han hyllades när han idag återvände till Gaza.

Mahmoud Sarsak, the Palestinian footballer who was imprisoned illegally for 3 years by Israel and conducted a 94 day hunger striker has been released and entered Gaza today.

10 Million signatures for a Palestinian State on September.

Weeks after prisoner strike ends, Israel not holding up its end of deal

New report by Israeli and Palestinian human rights NGOs shows that Israel is not meeting the conditions to which it agreed in a deal to end the massive hunger strike. Three Palestinians are still on strike, one in mortal danger.
- No end to solitary confinement
- Administrative detention: business as usual

When are we going to learn that the word Israelis is worth less than trash? How many more times they need to cheat on us so we wake up?

+972 Independent reporting and commentary from Israel and Palestine

Haggai Matar is an Israeli journalist and political activist. After writing for the short-lived Palestine Times and for Ha'ir Tel Aviv he is currently working as the municipal correspondent of Zman Tel Aviv, the local supplement of Ma'ariv, and is a prominent writer at the independent Hebrew website MySay.

In 2002 Matar was part of the Shministim (Seniors') Letter to then PM Ariel Sharon, and was imprisoned for two years for his refusal to enlist to the Israeli army. Since his release he has been active in various groups against the occupation, as well as in several class-based struggles within the Israeli society.