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Nils Lundgren 19 mars 2012
Lokomotiv Konkret Inspelad 28 feb 1988 av Ellen Ruge
Dror Feiler, Tommy Björk och Sören Runolf ger en konsert med Lokomotiv Konkret. Fylkingen Stockholm, den 23 mars kl. 19:30 till den 22 mars kl. 06:30

 23/3-2012 the concert with LOKOMOTIV KONKRET. (Dror Feiler, Tommy Björk, Sören Runolf)


All forms of freedom are bound together, and are all as dangerous: the freedom of music generates the freedom of the feelis that generates the freedom of thinking that generates the freedom of acting, and the freedom of acting is the number one enemy of the state. So let us keep the opera and music in its current form if we want to retain the monarchy!!!!!!! (Jean le Rond d´Alembert’s - 1752)
The music is of a "No Fun" character, probably not so political and/or musically/arty/cultural correct but a straight blow to the “common taste” of Eurovision/”cover jazz”/electronica/pop/new music academism/pseudo research music…

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