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7/3: Dawit Isaak vs Schibbye & Persson

Nils Lundgren 6 mars 2012

Eritrean journalist and Human rights Watch award recipient Khaled Abdu Mohammedsaid will involve Sweden in a discussion on the Eritrean human rights situation by contrasting the case of Dawit Isaak with the other Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson. Café Pan-Afrika, 7 Mars, 18.00-20.00, Afrosvenskarna i Stockholm, Bohusgatan 25, T-bana: Skanstull

Dawit Issack vs Schibbye & Persson

One of the most dividing issues on the African political scene of today is the question of the current Eritrean government. Some embrace it as an example of a small African country standing up to the bullying tactics of former colonial states, while others point to its substandard human rights record with horror. Eritrean journalist and Human rights Watch award recipient Khaled Abdu Mohammedsaid will involve Sweden in a discussion on the Eritrean human rights situation by contrasting the case of Dawit Issack with the other Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson.


Khaled Abdu criticizes the way the case of Issack has been handled by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In his opinion the silent diplomacy that has been observed haven’t produced any results but rather than changing this strategy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs seem hell bent on quieting the debate on Dawit Issack and on disregarding the critical voices against the Eritrean government in Sweden.


On the other hand, the seemingly identical silent diplomacy is being effectively pursued to free two other Swedish journalists jailed in neighboring Ethiopia, Schibbye and Persson. He asks how come silent diplomacy will probably free Schibbye and Persson soon while leave Dawit Issack in jall and what other options can be followed?



Café Pan-Afrika
Wednesday 7 Mars, 18.00-20.00
Afrosvenskarna i Stockholm
Bohusgatan 25, Metro: Skanstull




Khaled Abdu

Human rights activist


Café Pan-Afrika is open between 17.00-21.00

Organized by Kulturaktiv


In cooperation with Ibn Rushd

For more information go to
Facebook: Café Pan-Afrika